Large Minority: purveyors of rebellious, forward-thinking, creative and novel adventure holidays. That’s it.
Julian Carnall
Our Kenyan rafiki has the job of setting out into the wide, blue yonder and hunting for destinations. He’s also usually on the ground operating our Challenges.
Shona Jordan
Our Colombian based organisation ninja Shona makes sure things stay organized and get done. She is the one answering your questions, updating our tours and making sure things behind the scenes run smooth.
Juan Paredes
Our Colombian co-founder. Juan is a tourism veteran and holds an advisory role here in the Large Minority team.
Mark van Rossum
Our UK based Director looks after all the sales and marketing based stuff. Never happy just being behind a desk, he will also be out there ensuring everything runs smoothly.
Our Local Superheroes
Sri Lanka - Chandra Wickramasinghe & team
Chandra Wickramasinghe and his team make sure every little detail for our tuk-tuk adventures in Sri Lanka has been thought of. Chandra also help us choose unique places that in his words “take [your] breath away”. Together we support different initiatives from tree planting to social project throughout the country.